Tomeshita Bridge repair work
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- ホーム | 赤岩トンネル
Welcome to the on-site portal site! This is a portal site dedicated to the site of "General National Route 38 Furano City Tomeshita Bridge Repair Work" constructed by Arata Industry Co., Ltd. (Kamifirano). On this website, we will distribute "notices related to construction" and "various information related to construction" . Please take advantage of it! This construction is subject to "Hokkaido Infrastructure Zero Carbon Trial Construction"! In Hokkaido, in March 2020“Aiming for net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050” expressed that Decarbonization, economic revitalization, and sustainable Regional development Citizens, businesses, municipalities, organizations, etc. toward "Zero Carbon Hokkaido" that simultaneously promotes Aiming for realization by uniting all entities and This construction is also steadily starting from what we can work onWe will do our best to be environmentally friendly! しむかっぴー ■ Notice ~ You can check the information related to the construction in writing. ■ Outline of the construction ~ This section explains the overall picture of this work. ■ Construction diary ~ It is a blog that feels like tweets from the site. ■ Staff Introduction ~ Introducing the staff in charge of construction. ■ Contact us ~ Please feel free to contact us. みなみちゃん Related links ■ Arata Industry Co., Ltd. website. ■ Hokkaido HP ■ 南富良野町 HP ■ 占冠村 HP ■ Japan Weather Association ■ Google Maps (construction site) ■ Google Maps (field office)
- Traffic regulation information | 赤岩トンネル
Information on traffic regulations 「片側交互通行規制」を行う際に情報発信してまいります! 規制時間 7:30~17:30 規制イメージ図 To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 Play ◆1工区(赤岩トンネル)・・・片側交互通行規制イメージ図 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 現在規制中 Play ◆2工区(村田橋)・・・片側交互通行規制イメージ図 Like 施工完了のため今後は規制なしです ◆3工区(雪崩防止柵)・・・ 片側交互通行規制イメージ図
- お知らせ | 赤岩トンネル
What's New ■ 11月 工程表をアップしました!
- 工事概要 | 赤岩トンネル
What kind of work is the "Tomesita Bridge Repair Work" ? We will carry out maintenance work on the bridge. There are five main types of work. 1. Repair and reinforcement of bridge bearings, ground coverings, and balustrades (we will continue to repair and strengthen the bridge to support it) 2. Replacement of bridge floorboards (old floorboards to new ones) 3. Waterproofing of the bridge surface (prevents deterioration of concrete due to rainwater ingress) 4. Replacement of the pavement (after the floorboard repair work is completed, asphalt pavement is performed and a section line is drawn) 5. Repair and reinforcement of the piers (fix and strengthen the legs so that they are sturdy) ■construction image diagram To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. ■施工イメージ図 To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. ■施工イメージ図 To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. Construction plan Tomesita Bridge construction section *Source: Google Maps ■ Project name : General National Route 38 Furano City Tomeshita Bridge repair work ■Originator : Hokkaido Development Bureau (Asahikawa Development and Construction Department, Furano Road Office) ■Contractor : Arata Industry Co., Ltd. (Representative Director: Yoji Arata) ■Site Agent : Zen Awaka ■Construction : Higashiyama, Furano City, Hokkaido (KP 78.065~KP 78.219) ■Contents : We will repair and reinforce the Higashiyama Rushita Bridge in Furano City and repair the bridge. ■Construction Period : March 27, Reiwa 5 ~ February 23, Reiwa 6 ■Business Hours : 7:30~17:00 (24h one-sided alternating traffic restriction) ■Closed days : In principle, construction will be closed on Saturdays and Sundays due to model construction with 2 days off per week. (*Construction will be done on holidays)
- お問い合わせ | 赤岩トンネル
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- スタッフ紹介 | 赤岩トンネル
Thank you! !! ■ On-site agent (supervising engineer) My name is Zen Awaka of Arata Industry. We will be in charge of "National Route 38 Furano City Ruge Bridge Repair Work" . All work is done on the existing roadbecomes. We apologize for any inconvenience during the construction period, but please forgive me. We will proceed with the construction aiming for Safety first, early completion. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We aim to operate the site with consideration not only for people involved in construction, but also for neighboring residents and road users. We hope that you will be able to watch over their efforts through this website. W e ar e stationed at the site or the field office. (Sometimes I'm away...) If you notice anything, please let me know.